Increasing Alphabet

A InstalledThe alphabet exhibit project was kicked into high gear these past few weeks. The ABC’s are nearly complete with A, M, N, O, P, R, T, V, and XYZ being added to our windows. Here are a few more behind the scenes photos from the installations:

A is for Arctic
Our team of Visitor Experience Associates (VEAs), Jessica Englund, Sarah May and Sara Sargent, brought a wintery wonderland to life. Along with Native artifacts from the collection, they also created their own recycle art to include in the space.

M is for Meteorite

M Prep 7

Hilary Zelson culled through drawers and drawers of rocks and minerals to make her selections from the collection. You can see her preparing the window space in this photo, but you will have to visit to see her finished installation including her glitter paintings, which fill the window top to bottom (Photos don’t do them justice!).

N is for Net/work

N Prep 1Combining the traditional and the contemporary, Wen-hao Tien and Laurie Verner show how nets continue to be important tools in our everyday lives.

O is for Oriole

O Prep 2Carolyn Lewenberg found all of the orioles in our collection and mounted them to a frame of Oriental Bittersweet. Visitors will have to look carefully…there may be a decoy hidden in the branches!

P is for Past/Passed

Pulling toys and games from the Victorian era, Kyle Larabee’s window reflects on childhood past and present.

R is for Restore/Recycle

R Prep 4Not all broken objects are destined for the recycle bin. William Turville “restored” several collections items to their former glory and combined these objects with his own “recycled” works of art. Visitors will have to look closely to see what familiar things they recognize.

T is for Textile

T Prep 4Donna Marder covered the globe with her selection of textiles from the collection. She found materials from West Africa, China, India, Korea, Mexico, many Native American cultures and more. Her handmade textiles blend in seamlessly. You may have trouble telling them apart.

V is for View

V Prep 2The skyline of Boston has never looked like this before! Dyllan Nguyen and Brooke Scibelli combined their own found objects with items from the collection to represent the city’s landmarks. They even included a Hood milk bottle!

XYZ Axis

XYZ Prep 4Not all letters have to represent the alphabet. Danielle Freiman, Alexandra Photopoulos and Andrea Zampitella decided XYZ would represent the 3D realm. They carefully suspended objects in space along the X, Y, and Z axes.

Stay tuned for more on the final installations, or better yet, visit to see them for yourself!

N Prep detail 2

M Prep 4

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